As the market is really competitive and there are many options, who provide the same services. So, why choose us? First of all, your products safe delivery is our responsibility. After entering the products to our warehouse, from there till the products are in your hand, we take the full responsibility of any product to deliver to the optimum destination. We work on written agreement and work as per commitment. We will give you a fare rate. We will keep you updated within the whole process of freight forwarding and delivery, and you will never hear any void hopes. We like to add that we deal with the produce sourcing, we do import & export on confirmation upon your purchase order and all required logistic service provider with comparison and others rock-bottom service charges and commitment as well. Even with few amounts of products you are welcome to test our rate and service.

Safe, fast and exact delivery of the quality demanded, that’s what it’s all about. From anywhere in the world, you can count on us! We are available any time

The biggest achievement of EL-NINO is its strong ties with a good number of customers and freight forwarders all around the world. Capacity, Credibility, Dependability and Reliability are the few important properties of EL-NINO that has been brightening the image of the company around the industry and the world.

Md. Anamul Haque

Managing Director